Students and business professionals alike tend to quickly choose a PowerPoint template for their next presentation or school project but, they may want to consider using one of the Prezi business presentation templates. While PowerPoint is the most widely known business presentation templates Prezi offers a number of the same functionality as PowerPoint. PowerPoint templates and Prezi templates both have their pros and cons so it may just be down to personal preference as to which program you prefer to use.
Prezi Business Presentation Templates Vs. PowerPoint Templates
PowerPoint templates are considered the standard for making presentations. It tends to be the most recommended and used software since it has been around for many years, is easy to learn and can be made compatible to use on a Mac. While the software offers pre-made slides and it can be extremely user-friendly the design of the PowerPoint templates can be considered outdated. The graphics and clipart are fairly similar to the original art that was released with the very first version. There is also not much creative freedom with the business presentation templates, photographs can only be inserted vertical or horizontally with no additional options to make the more visually appealing on the slides.
Prezi business presentation templates offer users much more freedom and design capabilities. Prezi is a flash based software program the offers a lot more functionality and creative. You can zoom into a slide which allows you to add more details and make them completely unique. You can use each ‘c
anvas’ or slide as a full presentation making it easier for you to find the information you need. Simply zoom into one section of the slide, get the presentation of that information, zoom out and the zoom in on another part of the slide for easy navigation through your presentation. Unlike PowerPoint, Prezi is a free web-based program. You do not have to pay to purchase the program or business presentation templates you just need to have a device that can work Flash and be able to connect to the internet. You have a lot more freedom with the overall layout and design of your templates which can include images, videos or sound clips. Prezi business presentation templates can be embedded into web pages and blogs much easier since there are created on a web based program. The only few downfalls to the Prezi templates is that you cannot print them out as you would be able to with PowerPoint templates and because you have so many more options to create and add to the slides it can be overwhelming to work with the programs for beginners. There are plenty of more tools and features you can use with the Prezi program so it is not as simple as PowerPoint to use.
If you are looking for business presentation templates that offer a great deal of flexibility in the design, then Prezi templates can be a good choice for you. If on the other hand you want some simple and straightforward than PowerPoint templates will be the better choice for you.